
Werkstatt C1: Lehrerausgabe (teacher’s edition)


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In “Werkstatt C1” we have decided to integrate the textbook and the workbook in one volume.

The textbook part familiarizes learners with the new format of the modular exam starting in 2024, teaches the optimal solution strategies for all parts and prepares them – with a total of ten complete tests – for the exam.

The selected texts and topics of all four exam modules fully cover the official topics of level C1. A glance at the topic overview makes this clear. The vocabulary used in the texts and exercises has been very carefully selected, is based on the exam description and corresponds to the vocabulary provided for level C1.

The texts of the READING and LISTENING modules from the textbook section are reused in the workbook section in order to cover the entire learning material of level C1. This not only saves time, but also confronts learners with the same topics and vocabulary over and over again, allowing them to thoroughly master the desired learning material. Particular emphasis is placed on vocabulary, which is the main focus at this level, and grammar subjects have been selected very specifically and carefully for repetition. In addition, useful SPEAKING and WRITING resources (vocabulary and idioms) for the WRITING and SPEAKING modules are included in the pages of the exercise book, as a little help for those who need assistance in working through the respective topics.

In short, the combination of textbook and workbook fully covers the work in any C1 course, including exam preparation. This eliminates the need for the traditional combination of a textbook and additional exam preparation.

The solutions to all exercises, both of the textbook and the workbook, are included in the teacher’s edition.

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