
EndStation C2: Kurs- & Arbeitsbuch (student’s book and work book)


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The student’s book & workbook (2 in 1) contains 10 complete tests.

EndStation C2″ is designed to be flexible and it follows the modular character of the Goethe-Zertifikat-C2-exam. The selected materials offer an exceptionally wide range of topics.

EndStation C2″ is designed integratively: each part of the test, with its variously designed tasks, is followed by a rich collection of additional exercises and subject-related, concise vocabulary.

The reading module is complemented by an abundance of supplementary exercises that take up and practice grammatical phenomena, train and expand vocabulary, and initiate intensive research on topics and text contents through online research.

In the modules of writing and speaking, the vocabulary following each exercise is linked to terms from the exercise, completing them where necessary, and provides examples and definitions for clarification or consolidation.

In addition to the productive modules writing and speaking various smaller texts are offered, which promote the deepening of grammar and lexicon; In addition, they expand the perspective on the topics one has to encounter during the exam.

The solutions can be found in the teacher’s book plus.

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