
ABC Detektive (Reading and writing course for ages 6 to 10)


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“ABC Detektive” is an innovative reading and writing course for young German-as-a-foreign-language learners of 6 to 10 years old. An exciting successive story (the ABC detectives are trailing an animal thief) stretches like a golden thread through each of the 10 chapters of the course book.

The disciplines listening, speaking, reading and writing are supported and developed creatively using images. Every chapter focuses on specific sounds through a sensible progression. Basic grammar (definite article, plural formation, present tense of verbs, accusative, main and interrogative clauses) knowledge is taught on the side. The vocabulary is oriented towards the children’s world of experience in primary school. The enclosed MP3 CD contains the corresponding dialogues, exercises and songs. Extra: the coherent narration of the story and all the songs, also as a karaoke version.

All other accompanying materials (teacher’s book, student booklet, introductory pages) are available free of charge online.

Additional information



Main website
How-to Videos